About Us
We have a very active membership and provide plenty of opportunities for members to get involved in a great variety of activities.
Each month a driving event is organised, usually on the Sunday following our club night. This could take the form of a short rally or a visit to some place of interest.
In August we hold The Sulphur City Rally which is a weekend affair starting on the Friday Night and finishing with a prize giving dinner on the Saturday night. Anyone from the Vintage Car Club is invited,
so we have visitors from all over the country.
We have an active mid-week group that meet and get out and about with their cars, mainly driving to a point of interest or enjoying lunch at a cafe. Club Meetings
We have a meeting at our clubrooms on the second Wednesday of the month, except January. Members start arriving after 7pm for a chat prior to the meeting start at 7.30pm. Often we have guest speakers
as well as a member displaying their vehicle (we can get most cars inside the clubroom) and give a brief history on the marque and any facts about the particular vehicle.
Evenings end with a cuppa usually around 9pm. Clubrooms and Library
The clubrooms are at Neil Hunt Park off Tarawera Road, Rotorua. Please see the Contact Us page for a map. The clubrooms feature a full kitchen and a comprehensive automotive library for members,
which contains a huge collection of maintenance manuals and reference books as well as many books on various marques and biographies. Swap Meet
To assist in financing our club's operation each year, members are asked to give up one day of the year and help out at our annual Swap Meet which we hold in the middle of July at the Paradise Valley
Raceway. This fun weekend is also a chance to catch up with old friends who come from far and wide to find that elusive part.